Archive for November, 2015

Today my world was rocked first thing this morning. I received a letter from a man that I respect with every fiber of my being. It had to do with my stance on Syrian refugees. Within the letter was the story of an Indian Chief and a rattlesnake. The snake begs for help, and of course the chief helps it, only to be bitten by the snake. Common sense over compassion I was told. The statement makes me ill.


This man has served his country, who pledged an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America is afraid. What is happening with the barring of the refugees is against that very Constitution he swore to protect. He has trained men not to be afraid, to stand as he did. To see his current stance almost takes the fight right out of me.


Every Daesh terrorist that has been discovered so far has been a nationalist for ANOTHER country. Not Syria. Those that voted for this to happen likely have not served or this would not even be an issue. There are agencies in place to root these terrorists out. Let them do their job. To put this decision in the hands of those that are afraid is not the American way. We are still the land of the free and the home of the brave. No matter what anyone says or does, we can still stand for what is right. IT IS up to us.

The rattlesnake in the story is actually fear, and too many of my fellow Americans have already picked it up and are about to be bitten. Don’t get bit, please. Don’t give into fear. Always look at the source of what is being presented and then take a stance. Make up your own minds with facts, and tolerance within reason. I for one will never stop standing up.
We The People…

This came from a friend of a friend regarding the fear that is gripping the United States currently.


‘Doing the right thing is risky at times. You might get hurt. You might die. If you allow cowardice to compromise your principles… I’m not really sure you have principles.

A few months ago I was driving near my home and saw a young woman being assaulted by a man. He was dragging her kicking and screaming from a car. Beating her up and pulling her hair. I pulled right the fuck over and put an end to the assault. I called the cops. I could have been assaulted or killed. I didn’t allow that to stop me from doing the right and decent thing.

Yes, there are risks associated with accepting refugees. Those risks can be mitigated via the 2 year vetting process we already have in place. Decency requires courage. Are we not the land of the free and home of the brave? Man up. While you figuratively piss yourselves with Islamaphobia innocent people are dying… You are essentially driving by a young woman being beaten in the street and doing nothing.’